Recruitment Services
OhioMeansJobs Adams Brown Counties assists local businesses in Adams and Brown Counties in recruiting new employees as one of our many FREE services. If your business needs employees, contact us to arrange for one of the recruitment methods below. Remember, OhioMeansJobs Adams Brown Counties is not a staffing agency, but we can assist.
Job Postings
This is our most common tool to assist businesses in recruiting new workers. We place job posts on, social media, and our Winchester and Georgetown Job Centers. We can post what you have already created or design a flyer based on what you give us. If you want to post a job, contact our BRN Account Executive at 937-695-0316 or fill out the following survey: here.
Job Fairs and Hiring Events
OhioMeansJobs Adams Brown Counties hosts a job fair for regional employers and job seekers in Adams and Brown counties twice a year. These events are FREE for both job seekers and employers. We typically host one in the Spring (April or May) and one in the Fall (September). You can learn more about our job fairs here.
Can't wait for our job fair? The BRN Account Executive can arrange a smaller hiring event for your business. You can host it at your business or in our job centers. This service will include posting the event on, social media, and in our job centers. Contact our BRN Account Executive at 937-695-0316 to set up your hiring event today!
Applicant Screening
While OhioMeansJobs Adams Brown Counties is not a staffing agency, our BRN Account Executive can assist your business in screening applicants. We'll post your job, collect resumes, and send you high-quality applicants. Contact our BRN Account Executive at 937-695-0316 to take advantage of this service.