Path to Employment
The path to employment can be scary and full of unexpected challenging for first-time job seekers. From your first résumé to your first day on the job you never really stop learning what goes into being an employee. We have compiled a list of resources to help you at every step of the employment process.
The Résumé
Creating your résumé is your first step into the world of employment. This is a living document that will grow as you gain experience and skill. It is important to keep your résumé up-to-date and as professional as possible. This is where you can show the employer everything you can do and why they should consider hiring you.
Cover Letters
A cover letter is a letter to a possible employer that details exactly why you would be a good fit for the position. Generally, they are short (often three paragraphs) and quickly detail your skills, your knowledge of the company, and a conclusion to tie it all together. The use of cover letters varies from business to business, but having a template on hand is a useful tool in your job-seeking arsenal.
The Application
Applications come in many forms and sizes. Some are short and to the point; others are long and intend to test the applicant. While it is still possible to find paper applications in the workforce today, digital has become the primary way to apply for many companies. Become comfortable with applying online. If you do not have the resources to access the internet, consider coming into one of our Job Centers.
The Interview
Perhaps the most crucial part of the job-seeking process is the interview. This is the first time you're likely to meet your employer face-to-face, and you must make a good impression with your interviewer. Come dressed in a professional outfit and prepared for the kinds of questions you may be asked.
The Expectations
When you have finally found a job that will hire you, your work is not done yet! There are certain expectations that you need to meet to be a good employee and ensure you have a place in that company. Show your employer that you are dedicated to doing good work and getting along well with the rest of your co-workers.