Online Help With Your Job Search

Find a job, learn career skills, meet the requirements of your government benefits, and more on 

OhioMeansJobs Adams & Brown Counties Facebook Page

Find local jobs, events, and other public service announcements on our Facebook page. 

Career Training and Job Seeker Resources

Find a curated list of resources to help you develop your skills in various topics. You can also find a list of local partners to help you train for your dream career.

Click here to learn more

Job Centers

Are you looking for work? Visit your local OhioMeansJobs center in Georgetown or Winchester for free access to our many services. These services can improve your chances of a successful job search while saving you time and money.

19221 SR 136, Winchester, OH


M-F 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

406 W. Plum St, Georgetown, OH


M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM*

*Opens at 9:00 AM on Tuesdays

Job Postings

Find local jobs on the job board in each center, or online at our Facebook page.

Computers & Wi-Fi 

Access our center computers for your job search or unemployment benefits needs. 

Fax, Phone, & Printer

Use our centers to make copies, faxes, or calls for employment.

Resume Creation

Work with an employment specialist to create or update your resume.

Other Resources

Job Fairs

Each Spring and Fall, OhioMeansJobs Adams - Brown Counties sponsors a job fair to connect businesses and job seekers in Adams and Brown Counties and the surrounding area. There is no cost for businesses or job seekers to attend these job fairs. All are welcome to attend. Businesses must register prior to the job fair to reserve a space.

Click here to learn more


OhioMeansJobs Adams Brown Counties provides priority service to U.S. Military Veterans and their Spouses. We've also curated a list of partners and other resources available to Veterans and their families. 

Click here to learn more